와 안녕하세요 제 RPG상점에 오신거 환영해요. Welcome to my page and, okay, so this is from when I was back in school. I was studying linguistics, right? And the school hall was like way yonder because linguistics was basically the last discipline to get their own cluster of lecture halls so we got the short end of the stick. That meant a lot of walking between classes and 아 맞다 한국말도 합니다 여기 게임 대부분 한국말 번역되었어요! 그나저나 and where was I? Yeah, right. So I was walking from center of the campus to the linguists' den and there's this SQUIRREL. I mean, we had a lot of squirrels and they were fierce because they were used to being around drunk college kids. Can you even imagine what a squirrel sees with its squirrel eyes and has to comprehend with its squirrel brain? Probably not, you know like that What's It Like Being A Bat? guy said, smart stuff. Has holes but whatever. SO YEAH a squirrel was like there and it was looking straight at me. But not the wild-animal-wants-to-eat-me straight, more like you-and-I-we-have-something-in-common-but-we-just-don't-know-yet-perhaps-because-we-never-should straight. I kinda connected with its soul, you know, except to fail just before we could know each other. And the bell tolls and I'm late to my class, so I walk back along. To my surprise the squirrel follows me! The squirrel is squirreling along the squirrel desire path we students forfeited to the squirrels and AND THEN I enter the building and the squirrel doesn't stop. The squirrel walks right into the lecture hall with me and there was an equal mixture of gleeful shrieking and terrified shrieking. That's a very memorable event from my younger days. 죄송해요 방금 누가 어릴적 얘기 좀 해달라고 해서.
Anyways here are some small games I made. 🍊